Smash Your Fears and Be a Successful Boss
Did you forget that you run the show here? This is your business. It's your ideas. You are the visionary that is going to make it work. You just need a little reminder.
1. That feeling that you’re going to fail. Cut it out. Failure is a good thing. You want to fail. It means you tried. It means you took a chance. Whether you fail big or small, pat yourself on the back because you are willing to take chances. Write down the many times you have felt you failed or made a mistake. Next to each one, write down what you learned. Now go forth and learn/fail some more. You got this.
2. That feeling that you're not good enough. Do this for me. I need you to write down all the things people have ever told you that you're good at. Think of past teachers. Past managers. Parents. Aunts. Uncles. Friends. Lovers. Write it all down. Can't think of anything. Call a friend and ask them what they think you are good at. Write it down. Call another friend. Call mom. Call dad. Call anyone that has a positive attitude about you. Take that list and sit with it for a while and accept that you are good enough. Because you are.
3. That feeling that people will judge you. Good. Let them. That judgment is more about them than it is about you. Their opinions have nothing to do with you. Usually, the harshest judges are the ones who are afraid to try themselves. It's easy for them to sit on the side and criticize someone else. You can ignore them or just accept that you have some haters in your camp. Successful people always have a hater or two.
4. That feeling that it needs to be perfect. What happens if it isn't perfect? Then what? Seriously, write down what will happen if it's not perfect. And next to that write down how you will benefit from the imperfections. Perfection kills progress. You can't get very far, very fast if it has to be 100%. Let that shit go.
There are many more feelings I did not cover. For any feeling that you have that I didn't cover ask yourself, what is the alternative to NOT doing what you have to do?